Hattie’s voice is spectacular, while it is also sad and world-weary. We connect instantly to her, and grow to love her more page-by-page…. The author does a great job giving Hattie a dialect without overdoing it. Very subtle and very well done. Descriptions are done masterfully, of scenery, of other characters and of items like the blood-soaked embroidery section. The author does an excellent job of painting each scene with full and experiential detail…. Beautiful. Heartbreakingly beautiful…. All of Hattie’s tragedies add up to a fabulous tale of how one goes on when life delivers blow after blow. She creates hope in her journey, and we hope for her as well. We want her to connect with people and be loved…. The mystery is very deep and wonderfully done…. An excellent work of fiction. Bravo to the author.
Judge, Writer’s Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards