Anna Bozena Bowen

Reviews for HATTIE

HATTIE is about a tragic journey from survival to relationship to wisdom. Like a quilt, the novel is skillfully sewn together into a rich narrative, and Bowen weaves the snippets and stories of Hattie’s life with a deft touch. Each section of cloth has its own history, its own story; come together there is a wonderful wholeness. As Hattie tells her stories one cannot help but remember one’s own. It’s in the telling and the sharing that hearts connect, and you will come to know Hattie and yourself more deeply.

—Richard Poletunow Psychotherapist, and adjunct faculty, St. Vincent’s College, Bridgeport, Connecticut

Anna – you are someone who could lead us to our communal soul.

—Thomas Moore,  author of Care of the Soul in Medicine

HATTIE the novel is a very special story that instantly and consistently draws the reader in. Its power comes not only from Hattie’s recollection of thoughts and key life events but from the structure – or anti-structure – the novel follows. Purposefully done, the setting in which Hattie’s life takes place is blurred just enough for her words to resonate in the hearts and minds of readers of any age. Evident throughout the novel, Anna Bowen made deliberate choices with syntax, diction, and structure in order to create HATTIE’s unique milieu.

Hattie’s appeal to emotion is never forced and never gender based, as I found even myself empathizing with each trauma Hattie went through. No matter if the reader is male or female, Hattie’s words allow one’s self to be easily put into her shoes. These same words pull in the reader as if he/she were right there in the room going through the same emotional and spiritual journey Hattie so boldly went through.

What is guaranteed is that each and every reader will walk away from HATTIE just a little bit changed – the story forever apart of one’s life. She brings a wise perspective to life’s traumatic and evil side that left me feeling hopeful and confident in my own journey. Does Hattie bring comfort, inquisition, wonder, and even turmoil? Yes, but it is up to each reader to decide what it is that he/she will take away from the experience.

I know I will carry Hattie everywhere I go and will revisit her time and time again.

– Tim Baldwin , Amazon and Goodreads Review

The author weaves throughout different time periods in Hattie’s life flawlessly, keeping the reader anxious to find out what happens next. Throughout the many heartbreaking tragedies in Hattie, the author manages to keep hope alive in the meaningful, and realistic blessings that Hattie manages to find along the way…. An excellent read for anyone wanting to experience a little slice of life at it’s best, and worst.

–Shawn Watson,  Amazon review

As someone who enjoys genealogy, I have found in Hattie what I search for in my own family history. When I add a new name to my family tree there is only so much I know about that family member. I want to be able to ask: What was your life like? What made you joyful? What hurt you to the core of your being? How did you die? When I read Hattie, I felt that I was related to her and she was answering those questions for me. I felt like we were having a conversation … on a spiritual level. I loved this book!!

–Pamela S. De Paul,  Amazon and Goodreads Review

A thoroughly enjoyable read, like exploring the attic of a distant relative. HATTIE felt vaguely familiar, as if you’d met her long ago… Now you have the opportunity to get acquainted by wandering through the chapters of her life as her journal unfolds.

–P. Fradette,  Amazon Review