HATTIE the novel begins with the end—the end of a woman’s life. In a spare and powerful narrative—delivered in three parts “In The Meadow,” “By the Stream,” and “Through the Woods” —this soulful novel takes us on an intimate journey through the meaning of Hattie’s life and life in general. It delves fearlessly into the complexity of our human relationships, our yearning for the divine, and the ways in which these paths cross throughout our lives.
For Hattie, love and loss are so intertwined it is hard to separate the two. By sharing her stories, Hattie reconnects with parts of her lost life and loves and finds the courage to tell the truths of her life—in death she discovers her voice. HATTIE the novel is a mystical, spiritual, and very human experience.
A Conversation Guide with questions for discussion is included in HATTIE.
“It’s funny how the world can be as small as the flesh around you or as large as the winds your voice travels upon.”
– Hattie